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TheraNest App

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318 results found

  1. Add zero dollar payments on manual insurance payments

    When working in Manual Insurance Payments, allow me to apply zero-dollar payments.

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  2. Update insurance for future date

    Allow me or my clients to update their insurance information with a future start date and then have that insurance kick in on that effective date. This would be very helpful for clients who are changing plans for the New Year.

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  3. Assign supervisory billing at the staff level

    Rather than going into each client and setting the default rendering provider allow me to assign it at the staff level, so all that staff member's invoices bill as their supervisor.

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  4. Set default rendering provider for self-pay clients

    Allow me to set a default rendering provider for self-pay clients so that the rendering provider can appear on invoices. Right now I can only set a default rendering provider for clients that use insurance.

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  5. Choose credit card processor

    Allow me to choose which credit card processor to use in my TheraNest account rather than just having one option.

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  6. Have "group all appointments onto single claim" checked by default

    When creating invoices, have the "group all appointments onto a single claim" checked by default so I don't have to check it every time.

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  7. Label copays on invoices and statements

    If a client pays a copay, have that payment be listed as a "copay" on the invoice and statement.

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  8. Display progress note status when creating invoices

    When I create an invoice for a client, allow me to see if the progress note has been completed so know if I can submit the claim.

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  9. Fill box 14 for Medicare claims

    Allow me to edit the claim or have TheraNest pull over information so box 14 is filled out.

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  10. Add notes to claims awaiting submission

    Allow me to add notes to claims that are awaiting submission. I may be working some claims and waiting on things before submitting and I want to notate those claims so they don't get submitted.

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  11. In Progress Invoices to have their own tab

    the Process Existing Invoices tab still has loads of invoices whose status is In Progress. Can we have them in a different tab or not showing with the already processed ones?

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  12. Populate co-insurance and deductible info in the invoice

    make the deductible and co-insurance actively populated into invoices and managed automatically, rather than having to manually enter the correct Patient Responsibility (whether deductible or co-insurance amount) and have to back track when deductible is met and co-insurance kicks in.

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  13. Allow Copy and Paste of 1-time Payment Link

    Some of our clients payments are managed by a parent. It would be helpful to be able to copy the 1-time Payment link and paste in email to parent.

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  14. Set default place of service per insurance payer

    Allow me to set the default place of service for each payer because they all have their own requirements.

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  15. Allow payment plans for invoices & statements

    As a self-pay provider, I often provide payment plans for larger bills (e.g. if a bill is $1000). Allow me the option to include information about a payment plan when sending invoices or statements to clients.

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  16. View payment number from payment history

    Allow me to view the payment number from the Payment History tab of a client's ledger.

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  17. Authorize client's credit card

    Allow me the option to place holds / authorizations on client credit cards so we can make sure the funds are there to cover the cost of services.

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  18. Calculate client's coinsurance rate

    Allow me to put in a client's coinsurance and the rate and have it auto-calculate.

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  19. Add my organization's website on invoices, superbills, and statements

    Allow me to include my organization's website on invoices, superbills, and statements.

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  20. Display client credits in batch payments

    When processing batch payments, allow me to see if any clients have a credit on their account so I can not process those invoices.

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